(accounts we manage)
Blog post and social media graphics, flyers, brochures, business cards, and all things printable material and digital design; they all tell a story.
What story do you want your customers to know?
We'd love to help you express your business' purpose through the great mediums of digital and printed design. Please feel free to contact us and we can chat about what we can do for you.

We're certainly not nomads, but we do roam. Our remote team is geographically diverse which provides us the opportunity to serve clients all around the world.
We are US-based and unified in motivation, method, and mission (and by means of modern technology). Read more, below.
Anderson The Fish is a business development agency. Our team takes a holistic approach to problem-solving and we offer our clients a vast array of services, such as consulting, marketing, design, grant writing, bookkeeping, payroll, legal consulting, and many more. We do this by coordinating freelancers who niche in each specific field. This ensures that you, our client, receive the highest quality work.
We are a team of highly specialized individuals, functioning as an interdependent, collaborative group, organizing ourselves in such a way as to bring you the best work possible, and ourselves the flexibility and freedom we seek.
We believe that a community is positively developed through the work of strong, indigenous leaders & so we support such leaders.
We exist to empower businesses, nonprofits, and individual leaders to impact their communities in a sustainable, positive way.
We aspire to equip, motivate, and unite the business and broader community by providing clients with consultation, project management, and connection with helpful resources.
Why do we help people start businesses?

We believe that the key to empowerment is education. As a society, we must pour our knowledge into others and choose to collaborate and not compete.
We also believe that healthy communities are not dependent on one industry for its strength, but instead, interdependent among many businesses of various industries. Just as good investors teach to diversify investments, we must do the same with how we rely on one another.
Economic instability is often due to our lack of self-reliance and our ultimate dependability on corrupt, external forces outside of our control. Teaching people to start their own businesses brings power back to the individual, the family, the home.
Businesses have, for too long, divided families (i.e. the "bread-winner" leaves for work to provide, and then once the kids are old enough, they leave the home to work as well). By bringing business back into the home, we are keeping families together, giving them one common goal to work towards, and creating a platform for the older to teach the younger.
How do we accomplish this?
Many entrepreneurs have the ability and desire to do some or many tasks themselves. That's why we have made ourselves available to teach you anything and everything we know!

We have an incredibly skilled team that is ready to help! We truly want the best for our clients, as we trust our clients want the same for us! We're not merely looking for clients, but a relationship.
It all starts with a conversation. Before we begin the work, we talk, talk, and talk some more. Clear and consistent communication is foundational for a strong business. We advise but do not control. We encourage but do not charm. We do our very best to make sure you know your options and help lead you toward making phenomenal decisions.