(accounts we manage)
Blog post and social media graphics, flyers, brochures, business cards, and all things printable material and digital design; they all tell a story.
What story do you want your customers to know?
We'd love to help you express your business' purpose through the great mediums of digital and printed design. Please feel free to contact us and we can chat about what we can do for you.

Through candid conversation, together, we will determine if your business would benefit most from an hourly rate, flat-rate project fee, monthly fee, or management fee.
Ok, that sounded super vague, right? If you feel frustrated, we understand. You're probably used to very clear and concise cookie-cutter pricing. Here's the thing, that kind of pricing doesn't fit our business model. The services we offer are so vast and the scope of each project varies significantly. Why? Because every business is different! This means that custom pricing is the only way to go.
Your business is unique and it has unique needs. And since we can't/won't put your business in a box, we don't offer cookie-cutter prices.
Generally speaking, though, here are some ballpark prices you can expect for each service:
Ad Management
35% management fee of ad-spend
Email Marketing
$80 - $100/email campaign
$200 - $500/hr
Website Design / Development
$1,800 - $10,000
$150 - $650/month
$125 - $200/h
Bookkeeping & Payroll
$65 - $95/hr
Graphic Design & Logo Design & Package Design
$75 - $125/hr
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
$300 - $4,000/month
$250 - $800/hr
IT Services
$150 - $500/hr for shooting time & $75 - $150/hr for editing time